
Friday, November 17, 2017

Inquiry, Inquiry and more inquiry!!!!!!

         Hey Blogging World,
In Class this week we have been working on our inquiry products for our school gala day. My Class product Is Tote Bags. We chose tote bags to change the way of using plastic bags because it is killing animals.  
Step 1- For making a tote bag would be to get the fabric you need, we used Calico and normal fabric.
Step 2 -Sew your back and your front piece of fabric together and also any other bits you would like to add.
Step 3 -Fold the top part of you bag and the sew around then fold it again and sew around again to make it tight.
Step 4- Add some straps to your bag and sew a square next sew a x inside the square do the to all four sides.
After that it should look like this 
Something I found hard during the process would be sewing and finding something the go well together and the sewing was hard because I didn't really know how to use a sewing machine but I found out really fast. Something I liked about making tote bags was being with my friends and learning a lot of new things. Also I like how it is gonna change the world and make a big difference. I learnt a lot of new thing like how to sew with a sewing machine and also how to screen print to do some designs and use a squidgy. I loved making tote bags because it was fun to use some things that I had never used before or even seen.Something I thought was good about this was how it was going to save the world and make it a better place .Also something I thought was bad about this was that it was sort of hard to put things together.Something I thought was ugly about my work would be some of my designs I made some mistakes and things .Tote bags are sustanible because we can reuse then over and over again. Please make sure to come to our gala day It's gonna be really fun. 

Thursday, November 9, 2017

My journey !!!!!

Hey bloggers,
In maths these past few weeks we have been working on a maths travelling slideshow through Auckland. On the slideshow we have a budget of $5500 dollars . We were told to chose different kinds of activities for different days then add up our total cost for the day. We had to chose for different kinds of hotels and activities and also try to keep in the budget we had. For my budget I was so close I got the total of $4945.18 cents. This game was fun because it got to test us with not just chosing the fun things and try chosing the cheap things. On most of the slides there was a lot things that I had not done before so I could have chosen anything. During the process of doing this there was a lot of different places that we went to like Palmerston north, back to Auckland,Omaru and many more. here is a picture 
This is a picture of the starting locations and then our destination that we were going to.
I learnt a lot from this slideshow like what kinds of hotels and activities we could do. I loved doing this because it was fun to learn new things and work with my friends and have fun. I think I did pretty good I didn't go over the budget so I was happy for myself. Something I could do next time would be to chose things that I like not just the ones that are cheap. This was a fun activity thanks for reading Blog U later=)
: ps here is the slideshow