
Friday, June 23, 2017

Hi Everyone,
In cyber smart today we have been stalking people on the web ( but not in a bad way). We had to look of google to see if we could find other people from our school. I really liked this because i got to see some funny pictures that I didn't even know was on the web. When I saw most of these photos I got the picture of what happened a long time ago. Most of these pictures where easy to find because they where just there when I typed it. Also when i typed up something the thing that I wanted didn't show but I saw the photo way down when I scrolled. I learned that there was a lot more photos that I didn't know where on an some that i liked and I really liked doing this. Thanks bye=)

Friday, June 9, 2017

Rocket lab facts

Hello bloggers,
I have another post for use guys today. We have been looking at kiwi kids news and read an article about how the Rocket lad soars into space. It was fun doing this because we got to learn about what happened and we got to learn a little bit about rockets. It was also fun doing this because we got to use all different shapes and colours. Please make sure to leave a comment so I can hear what you have to say. Blog you later =)

Painting the town Response

Hello everyone,
In reading we read a story about Painting The Town also we did a personal response about it. It was really easy doing this because I knew most things about art. Also it was fun doing this because we got to learn about things that happens in Christchurch. We had to use our likes and dislikes and many more to see what we know about the story. Please make sure to leave a comment so I can hear what you have to say. Blog you later =)

Personal Response - Painting the Town by Renata Hopkins

During or after reading record your personal thoughts and questions under each heading.

Personal Response

  • Why are they painting the town and doing art everywhere ?
  • Who is doing all the artwork and painting the town ?

  •  Where does this artwork and graffiti come from ?

  • I was surprised about the artwork because it looks realistic even from a distance.
  • I was also surprised about the earthquake demolishing 80 percent of buildings in the central business.
  •  Another thing I was surprised about was them doing artwork of people’s things that have been lost.

  • Something I liked was all the artwork on every page because it looks cool.
  • I also really liked the artwork of on page 12 because it actually looked like it was coming out of the wall
  •  I also liked how they are thinking of other people and how they lost

  • I  didn’t like how the earthquakes broke 80 percent of the houses
  • I also didn’t like how the earthquake happened
  •  Also I didn’t like how people lost the thing during the earthquake


  • Nothing
  • Nothing
  • Nothing

  • It made me think about earthquakes happening everywhere in the world
  • It also made me think about losing by thing that I had and I lost
  •  Also it made me think about doing art in kidney  

  • Nothing
  • Nothing
  • Nothing